Northern Catalpa

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Catalpa speciosa

The Northern Catalpa stands out among deciduous trees with its distinctive, large heart-shaped leaves and clusters of showy, trumpet-shaped flowers. Beyond its ornamental charm, this tree offers notable ecological benefits. Its dense foliage provides shade, reducing energy consumption and mitigating the urban heat island effect. The Northern Catalpa attracts pollinators with its fragrant flowers, contributing to the overall health of local ecosystems.

In late summer, flowers give way to long, slender seed pods that resemble green beans or cigars, which gives this native tree the common name of Cigar Tree.

Caring for Northern Catalpa in a garden involves planting it in well-drained soil with full sunlight, allowing it to thrive. Regular watering is crucial, especially during dry spells, to support its growth. Pruning dead or damaged branches promotes a healthy structure. Mulching around the base helps retain moisture and suppresses weeds. With its resilience and ecological contributions, the Northern Catalpa proves to be an excellent choice for gardens, combining aesthetic appeal with environmental stewardship.

Arrives to you in a 2 gallon pot.


Grown By: Octoraro Nurseries in Kirkwood, PA.

Full Sun


Growing zones 6, 6a, 6b, 7, 7a, 7b, 8, 9

50 feet tall, 30 feet wide

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