Aconitum arendsii

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Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii'

This upright tuberous-rooted perennial features dense panicles (to 8” long) of hooded flowers atop rigid, leafy stems typically growing 2-3’ tall, with the potential to reach 4-5’ tall. Flowers are deep purple inside and paler blue outside. The upper sepal of each flower develops into a large, helmet-like structure that somewhat resembles the hood worn by medieval monks, hence the common names of monkshood and helmet flower.

Expect blooms from September to October providing interest later in the season.This plant does not like continuous heat so plant in a more shaded spot and keep it well-watered. Summer mulch will help with moisture retention. 

Plants prefer a site that will not dry out in summer and away from thirsty tree roots. Easily divided every 3 to 4 years, in early spring. This perennial works well in borders and garden beds and is great for adding unique texture and color to your garden. 

Arrives to you in a gallon-sized pot.

*Please note this plant has poisonous properties and we suggest wearing gloves when working with this plant and keeping away from areas that small children and pets may come in contact with.


Grown By: Quality Greenhouses in Dillsburg, PA.

Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade


Growing zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 6b, 7

2-4’ tall, 1-1.5’ wide

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