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Bulb Designing Ideas!

Bulb Designing Ideas!

Bulb Planting Design Ideas

Those big, bold masses of bulbs in botanical gardens look amazing, but it can be a challenge (not to mention expensive) to re-create that look in your home landscape. So use masses of simpler combinations of just two or three colors laid out in informal shapes and forms that follow the lines of your beds.

Pansies are winter-hardy early bloomers, so plant them in fall along with your spring bulbs for a knockout show.  Hellebores, and creeping phlox are also good partners for your spring bulbs.

Layering! Big bulbs are planted deeper into the ground 6” below which gives you room to plant littler bulbs on top to give you a fuller, layered look! For example plant some hyinacinth above a lighter colored tulip.

Bulb Combination Ideas! Have fun and create!

Iris Katharine Hodgkin + Tulip Cummins
Green Powers + Night Rider
Tulip Parrot King + Tulip La Courtine Parrot
Mini Quebec + Albert Heijn + Daffodil Pink Charm
Labrador + Golden Fragrance+ Queen of Late
Allium Atropurpureum + Fritillaria Persica + Tulip Rocco + Butterfly Apricot Whirl

Bulbs + Perennials

Mingle bulbs among perennials to help hide the bulbs' foliage as it fades. For example, peonies, hostas, and perennial geraniums make excellent choices for covering allium foliage.

6 Tips For Choosing Companion Plants For Your Spring Bulbs

  1. Choose companion plants with similar growing requirements. Below you’ll find companion plants for hot, dry sun, plants for moist soil and plants for the shade.
  2. Choose perennials that are short when the bulbs are in bloom so they don’t block the view.
  3. Plant perennials first and then plant the bulbs 6 to 12 inches from them.
  4. Include perennials that don’t need frequent division so you won’t disturb the bulbs.
  5. Choose perennials with dense foliage to disguise the yellowing bulb leaves.
  6. Extend your enjoyment by choosing plants that bloom later than the bulbs.

Helpful Tools:

Now that you’ve selected your bulbs, and have mapped out your spring color pops lets talk handy tools that are a must have for any Gardner. Work smarter, not harder right?!

Bulb Planter: Simply press the bulb planter into the soil to the required depth, twist to remove a core of soil, pop the bulb into the hole, and replace the core. Click here to purchase!

Fertilizer: Give your soil and new bulbs some extra love with Coast of Maine Organic Products Fish Bone Meal is suitable for fertilizing bulbs, vegetable gardens, outdoor container gardens and trees and shrubs.  Click here to purchase!

Gear: Give a little gift to yourself or the nature lover in your family with these unique gifts- gloves, seed boxes and knee protection (always appreciated!!) Click here to purchase!

Happy Planting, and remember to post pictures of your spring bulbs next year!

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